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KATHY RAN'S Alignment Based Yoga


black lotus yoga


Senior Yoga Teacher Kathy Ran is excited to introduce the 100 hour alignment based yoga. This module designed for yoga teachers and yoga enthusiasts.  100 hour Certification is approved by the Yoga Alliance and be used towards 500 hour advanced yoga teacher status.  


This course will focus on going deeper and flowing with grace to promote deep personal growth and transforms your yoga experiences and teaching on all levels. The power of this method comes from it’s comprehensive and multi-disciplinary approach to the physical, mental, spiritual and mystical aspects of yoga. Through community, movement, meditation, breath-work and Tantric philosophy This training aligns your mind, body and heart, thus giving you the opportunity to connect to your deeper self. It is a unique form of Hatha yoga that gives people of all backgrounds and abilities the opportunity to improve strength, flexibility and balance.


This training is for those looking to explore the joy of yoga, flow with grace and follow your heart. It is a unique opportunity to explore yoga more deeply so that you can help others.

Non teachers with more than 2 years’ experience are welcome to apply to deepen their own yoga practice.

Alignment based yoga is a comprehensive system to explore the asanas, restorative yoga and in depth training to explore advanced asanas and backbends - this includes gentle yoga asanas, breath awareness, and guided meditation specifically designed to enhance everyone's yoga practice.  Using readily available props such as bolsters and blankets to gently support the body, the benefits of alignment based yoga are accessible to everyone of all ages, including those recovering from injury or illness.


I Saturday 10:30pm- 6:00pm I Sunday 10:30-5pm


Module One: September 24 - 25
History and philosophy of alignment based yoga & Iyengar Yoga I Introduction to Principals of Alignment I Alignment 101 I Purpose and Function I Chanting I Methodology I Flextion and extension I Inner and outer rotation I foundation Asanas

Module Two: October 22 - 23 
What is Alignment I Spirals & Loops I Bhandas,I  Organic  Energy I Standing Asanas I Anatomy of Alignment I Art Of Using Props and straps I Joints and Twisting Asanas I Restorative Yoga I Special Guest Teacher.

Module Three: December 17 - 18
Alignment Based Yoga Methodology I Sequencing guidelines for Classes I Limitations & Adjustments I Meditation for stress reduction and healing I 184 Asanas I Hip openers I Benefits of hip openers I Hip focused Class I Practice Teaching. How to teach Arm Balances Safely I

Module Four: January  14 -15
The joy of backbends I How to teach backbends I Benefits of Backbends I How to teach a heart opening class I How to teach inversions safely using alignment I Anatomy of a backbend I How to write and execute an  Alignment based yoga lesson plan
Special Guest.

Module Five: February 25 - 26

Practice Class I Create and teach a focused Alignment based yoga class I Foundations to flying I Review- loops, spirals, bandhas, and anatomy of asanasI How to create safe alignment and adjustments. Practicum.

*Both module 4 and 5 are available for 20 hour cpd trainings at £275 per weekend.

The training is both educational and experiential. Lectures are combined

with demonstrations of yoga poses, followed by sessions where you

experience teaching the practice and receiving it. Benefits and

contraindications are covered, as well as the effect on the holistic

wellbeing of our students.

The training price includes a manual full of valuable and useful

information you get to take home with you.


Upon finishing the required hours, students will be certified

in Alignment Based Yoga.

Module is just £1150  (£975 earlybird) Payment plans available.
Applications must be received asap as space is limited. 

Who, What, Where:
This training will provide you with the foundation to begin to instruct or improve your own practice.  You will learn How to create  Yoga sequences (suited for beginners to advanced), learn the 'art' of helping others, sequencing, and healing techniques, as well as exploring the History & Philosophy of Hatha Yoga. 

This training is for yogis and yoginis with some experience practicing and instructing in either Hatha, Vinyasa, or other 200 hour certified yoga practices and for those who just want to deepen their knowledge of alignment  yoga and much more!
Over 5 weekends you will earn a 100 hour Alignment  Yoga certificate.  Of the 100 hours, you will have 85 contact hours with Kathy & 15 hours to be completed through self-practice, self-study & create your own practice of teaching and sharing alignment  yoga.
This training will take place at BLACK LOTUS YOGA STUDIO IN MILL HILL and know via Zoom- live on line training for those who prefer distance learning.
If you need help with nearby accommodation etc., please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Acceptance to this training is on an individual basis after completion of an application form.

Please contact for any and all questions.

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Yoga Pose


"I have just completed my teacher training with Kathy and Yoga University. All can I say is what a journey, it has been amazing from start to finish, and set me up to teach in the real world from the off. Kathy has a wealth of knowledge and has shared this with us throughout the course. She is fun, inspiring and every weekend was a new adventure. I couldn’t recommend the training enough and cannot wait for my next one!


"Embarking on the teacher training course was a very big decision for me to make. The time was right in my life and I feel very lucky to have made this life changing journey from enthusiastic yogi and yoga teacher , Kathy Ran. Kathy has been much more than a yoga teacher, she has been a mentor and helped me to see my life much clearer. I've learned skills for on and off the mat that I will hold dear for always. Kathy has a wonderful nonthreatening, non invasive way of getting to know all her students and encourages the group to grow together , building lifelong friendships.
The environment we worked in every week was very inspiring and I felt I grew in practise and was allowed to become myself again.
It was a treat and privilege to take 6 months out and play. What a wonderful course. Thank you Kathy!"


"I cannot recommend this yoga course more. It is not so much a course, more a personal journey. Whether you are new to yoga or a seasoned veteran. It's truly been one of the most inspirational thing I have done for myself in years. Big love and Namaste".

About Black Lotus Yoga

We have lovingly created a space for your practice to develop and for us here at Black Lotus Yoga to share what we love and create a community for everyone to enjoy.

Black Lotus Yoga
2D Hale Lane I  Mill Hill  I NW7 3NX
Phone Number  020 3601 5858
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